~~ Ferret a.k.a. Carpet Shark ~~
Family Connections
Ferrets belong to the Mustelidae family and, according to the Encyclopaedia Britannica (15th edition), that group contains a variety of animals unmatched by any other family in the Carnivora Order except the civets (Viverridae).
The family includes the weasels, polecats, minks, martens, fishers, wolverines, otters, badgers and a number of less well-known animals, a total of about 70 species in 25 genera.
In most mustelids the males are larger than the females.
All members of the mustelid family have anal glands with powerful musk. Ferrets give off a "stink bomb" when they get frightened or excited but the smell usually dissipates quickly.
Most mustelids have short legs and many tend to have an elongate, slender body. They are quiet, agile, and graceful in their movements. They are also basically silent animals, usually making only a sound like a squeak, whistle or bark. Many will snarl or growl when annoyed.
The giant otter is the most vocal, giving off a high-pitched whistle, while excited yellow-throated martens make a harsh cry and often chuckle in a low tone.
Almost all mustelids are active both day and night, although most of their activity is nocturnal.
The Physical Ferret - Tech Specs
Here are some facts and figures about ferrets
Adult Size
Blokes (boys): Length - 43 - 61cm (17" - 24")
Weight - 1.3kg - 2.2kg (2.8lb - 4.8lb)
Sheilas (girls): Length - 30.5 - 41cm (12" - 16")
Weight - 450g - 1.3kg (15oz - 2.8lb)
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Ferrets can live up to 10 years old. However there have been occasions when ferrets have lived up to 14 years.
Because they are so prone to cancers, it's hard to tell how long they'll be with you. In America they reach middle age around 3 years old, whereas in Australia and probably England, 6 years is considered middle age for ferrets.
Unsterilized vs sterilized
Unsterilized females can die from aplastic anemia if left on heat. It is therefore much better for both the ferret and its owner for the females to be sterilized around 6 months old.
Unsterilized males have a very strong and unpleasant smell when in rut, and they tend to be aggressive with other males and drag any females around by the scruff of their neck so would need to be caged on their own. Unless you are a breeder (and it is NOT RECOMMENDED that you breed just for the heck of it), it is strongly advised that males be sterilized as soon as they start smelling a bit high and getting rough with the rest of your ferrets or with you - usually around 6 months old at the latest.
Sweat Glands
As they have poorly developed sweat glands, they'll suffer if the temperature goes over 32C (90F). It's a good idea to put them inside an air-condition room and small fan for carrier when travel.
Male ferrets have a baculum (os penis). This is a bony structure which serves to "lock" the pair when they are mating. If you check a boy's stomach, it looks a bit like a 'belly button'. Girls don't have anything like that on their stomachs so that's an easy way to tell the difference between the two sexes.
Are Ferrets Crepuscular? Diurnal? Nocturnal?
I have seen statements that feral ferrets are solitary and nocturnal (active at night) but show diurnal (active chiefly in the daytime) activity as pets. I have also seen websites claiming that ferrets are crepuscular (meaning they like to play at dawn and dusk).
As ferrets sleep for around 18-20 hours a day, when are they active and happy to play with their owners? I can tell you that they are up and active when they wake up and decide they're done sleeping and want some fun.
Weasel War Dance
I think the term weasel war dance is basically a misnomer. I reckon it should be the wacky weasel dance, or even the weasel wacky dance! View It Here
Ferrets don't do their war dance to prepare for a bout of martial arts but because they are happy and exuberant and full of the joys of spring, autumn, summer, winter -- whatever! It just doesn't matter. What a fabulous way to embrace life.
Vocal interaction
Ferrets aren't particularly vocal. Some will 'chuckle' as they wander around the place, as if they're talking to themselves. Others will 'chuckle' when with another ferret. It sounds like a low pitched "dook dook dook dook dook" coming from their throats. When angry or scared, ferrets can hiss loudly or even let out a short, loud 'scream' almost.
The bottlebrush
When a ferret gets excited or frightened, it will puff up its tail like a bottlebrush.
Ferrets comes in numbers of colours. visit here and here and here for more detail. thumbup.gif wub.gif
Product/Service Cost Yearly Cost for A Ferret for 1-3 Years of Age Yearly Cost (USD)
Must be roomy, airy and preferably multi-leveled so that you can have the litter tray and food/water dishes on separate floors to the sleeping quarters. Make sure the cage is sturdy and that the holes aren't too big. REMEMBER - ferrets are like Houdini and can get out through some very small openings. The last thing you'd want is to come home and find your cage empty, and your ferret gone. Very bad for the BP!
If the floors are mesh, get some vinyl off cuts to put down on the mesh so that the ferret doesn't hurt its feet. Make sure you position the cage in an area where there is no direct sunlight to heat the cage up. REMEMBER -- ferrets aren't able to sweat so can get heat stroke easily if the temperatures get hot.
shakehead.gif Do NOT keep your ferret in an aquarium or small rabbit cage
Accessories for the cage
A heavy food dish. A water bottle with a spout to attach to the cage. This is better than having a bowl of water in the cage because as sure as eggs are eggs, it will get tipped over and you'll be left to clean up the mess.A hammock, or two even. Depends on how many levels your cage has.Old cotton T-shirts, sweaters or tracksuits make great bedding but whatever you choose, make sure the ferret can't catch its nails on the material.
I've seen a number of toys which are marketed especially for ferrets in pet stores but do you really need to buy them?You can get flexible black tubes hardware store. They do enjoy running through tubes and pipes so if you rig something up in a room for your ferret, it will have a field day going through them.
Ferrets aren't anything to do with the rodent family - they are mustelids, so please don't ever think of giving your ferret any kind of seed or vegetable as its daily diet. Ferrets have an extremely high metabolic rate so there should always be food available for them so that they can snack away whenever they're hungry.
Food made especially for ferrets is hard to come by here in Malaysia so we have to dish out the premium quality cat food.The food for an adult ferret needs to have a high meat protein value, around 31-32%, 18% fat and a maximum of 3% for fiber. Kits need food with a higher protein percentage so they should be fed something like Iams Kitten when they are weaned, as that has a 34% protein value.
Kibbles Chart
here's a link that i found very usefull . its a comparison chart for ferret food. remember that ferret kibbles must have a high meat protein value, around 31-32%, 18% minimum fat and a maximum of 3% for fiber.
and if u wanna give meat, ... give chicken .. it has 42% protein.. but not too much and not as staple diet. too much fat .
and for daily treats ... smoothy ...most ferret will enjoy this .. laugh.gif
1. 1/4 cup of Whiskas Pet Milk or any pet milk thats lactose reduced and with thiamine and taurine added
2. a squirt of Nutrigel or ferretvite gel (this stuff is sweet.. dont put too much. it would be bad for their teeth)
3. one egg yolk
mix it all up and serve at room temperature..
shakehead.gif No cow's milk
Don't give your ferret cow's milk (like the stuff we drink) as they are lactose intolerant and the milk would cause them to have diarrhea.
shakehead.gif No chocolate
Another no no is giving them chocolate, for whatever reason. Theobromine, which is in chocolate, is dangerous to most pets.
Ferrets have very special need in diets. It's not that easy to find in Malaysia, that's why the usual recommendations are Innova Evo Cats, Innova Evo Ferret (Not available in Malaysia Yet), 2nd choice would be Science Plan, Iams, Royal Kanine. We recommend that kibbles be a mixture so that if one is out of stock, the picky eaters won't have too much problem changing over to single diet for a short term. Easier on their stomach also.
First 2 Ingredients should be whole meat, (Not By Product or Meal). Fillers should not contain Corn or Wheats. Preferably no potatoes also if possible.
Generic Cat Food such as Whiskas and Friskies should be avoided as the nutritional value is not suitable for ferrets. They also contain high amount of salt which is not good for a ferret.
That said, Ferret owners should also feed their ferrets with supplements to provide them with essential Amino Acids, Minerals and Vitamins which are usually not present in Kibbles. Recommended supplements would include Ferretone and Ferretvite. As these are not on sale in Malaysia, recommended replacement supplements include Linatone for Cats (Available at Pets Wonderland) and Feriovite or Nutrigel (Available in most Pet Stores).
Sick Ferrets are to be fed Duck Soup (a mixture of kibbles, meats, supplements blended together) or Smoothies (Eggs, Lactose free milk, and Supplements).
It is very important to take care of the ferrets' diet to ensure that they live a long healthy, fun filled, disease free life.
Tame ?
I prefer not to use the term tame/untamed ferrets since all pet ferrets are domesticated ferrets. The reason for bites could be many, nervousness, self defense or lack of socializing.
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